
Почетна :: Хотели : Мотели : Хостели : Вили

 Robevski luxury rooms is located 33 km from Florina and 10 km from National Park Pelister. The building lies at the core of Bitola, which is the famous street Shirok Sokak, next to the Old Catholic Church.

 The rooms in this historic building, which exists almost 200 years, are completely reconstructed in a luxurious time travel to the past of Bitola city.

 Robevski luxury rooms provides 6 luxurious rooms in a different style. They are called after the former names of the most famous street in Bitola Shirok  Sokak, such as Hamidie, King Petar, Marshall Tito. There is also a room called after the father of modern Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, who finished his military studies in this city.

 Provided that the city is known as the City of Consuls, one of the rooms carries this names.

 Every room has its authentic story related to the history of Bitola. The rooms which the building provides represent Bitola as a Consul and urban city whit a luxurious atmosphere.

All rooms a equipped with baths, air conditioners, a fridge, safe deposit boxes, hair dryers, hypoallergenic and antibacterial mattresses, cable TV, WI-FI.

 In some of the rooms there is a balcony with a fantastic view of the famous street Shirok Sokak.

 Guests can treat themselves with coffee, tea and fruit. There is a casino and restaurant.


Работно време:
Пон -Нед: 00:00 - 01:00

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Апартманите Дан-Дар се наоѓаат на одлична локација во Нов Дојран.

Комплексот Апартмани Дан-Дар се состои од 
Четири вили 
Отворен базен за деца и возрасни
Ресторан со Македонска национала кујна
Приватен паркинг кој е бесплатен за гостите на Дан-Дар 


Вила Тоше има 6 апартмани, комплетно опремени кои се наоѓаат во центарот на Крушево, на само неколку метри од градскиот парк. Секој апартман располага со сопствено купатило, мини кујна, кабловска ТВ, балкон, централно греење и заедничка кујна.
Работно време:
Пон - Нед: 00:00 - 00:00
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